We pay top cash for cars in Newcastle, Maitland and Hunter Regions

Looking for a Cash for Car Service? Here’s How to Get the Best Deal

If you feel that your junk car has been lying in your yard for too long and you plan to sell it, you probably want to know which junk car removal company will give you the best deal.

Although the highest bidder (the one that will give you the most cash for your car) might capture your attention at first, this should not be the only criteria for your decision.

The condition of the vehicle and how the car removal company handles the process is just as important. And this will be crucial in determining the best cash for car service provider you should choose.

Here are four pointers to keep an eye on when dealing with cash for car removal service operators. Make sure you consider these before you put ink on paper and commit to a car removal deal.

Follow these tips and you can avoid the short end of the stick in the deal.

Free Towing Areas

Is the highest bid from a local cash for car removal service provider?

If it’s not, have a second look at what they say about towing and confirm their answer through a telephone call. Tow trucks typically charge a hookup fee and apply a rate for each loaded kilometre.

However, cash for cars service providers know they can still reap good profit from the junk. Therefore, car removal companies will often throw in free towing for services within their localities as an incentive to procuring their services.

If you are in the areas of Newcastle, Hunter, Maitland, and their surrounds, Newcastle Top Cash Car Removal provides free car removal services. Thus, helping you avoid costs that would eat away into your quote.

Fair-Minded Inspection

Today, many cash for car removal service providers across the country are ready to give no obligation quotes over the phone or after receiving information through online forms. This is a great stride in responsiveness and enables you to shop around for a good deal.

However, you need to look out for companies that don’t do inspections regularly.

The condition of a vehicle is crucial and hits the bottom line for a car removal service providers. Therefore, businesses that don’t do inspections frequently will often give low quotes to cover for “oversights” in the online or telephone investigation. Avoid getting underpaid by choosing a cash for car removal service provider who performs regular onsite inspections.

Is the Car Still Driveable?

Having an old vehicle does not necessarily mean it’s a junk car. Depending on its condition and which car removal service provider you engage, you could be selling either a used car or a junker.

Driveable automobiles fetch better prices than inoperable ones and selling yours to a cash for car removal service provider that has an array of services can make you more money than selling it to an auto dealer or a strict car wrecker. Companies like Newcastle Top Cash Car Removal offer a variety of services and can pay up to $ 11,999 for your vehicle.

Here’s the Bottom Line

How do you avoid getting low payment in a cash for car removal service? How do you avoid the short end of the stick? Look out for free towing areas, ensure the company does regular fair inspections, and watch out for the option to sell the old car as an operational automobile rather than a clunker